Love letter 11 to 15

Love Letter No - 11
You entered my heart Slowly, quietly and passionately
Your love spread through me.
Now Why are you so perfect,

God only knows..,

In every direction, there is you – just you.
My emotions are rising and I am facing short of breath;
My heart is beating fast
What madness, what obsession…
What can I say of my state now?
My heart, my soul, my whole world,
you are my only desire.

My sweetheart only You!!
Love Letter No - 12

I adore you. I long to hold you close to me. I feel such warmth and comfort when I am in your arms. I am relaxed and content when we sit on the couch and talk. My heart is at peace when lay on the floor and cuddle. My heart quivers when you touch my face and my passion flows when you touch my lips. I get immense pleasure from gently touching your face and feel tremendous yearning and passion when I touch your lips. I long to be near you. I want nothing more than to be close to you.
With a passionate affection,


Love Letter No - 13
My Darling,
Since the time I met you, I must that you that I have never felt so divine in my entire life. I never thought I was capable of experiencing such type of emotions but I realized that just a look of you makes me feel bliss. You bring with you the warmth of spring, the joy of rain and the calmness of summers. My world has turned upside down since the time you have stepped into my life. You make me feel truly alive. All I want from you is the care and love I am longing for. Promise me that you will be by my side forever.


Love Letter No - 14
Just being around you gives me a happiness that no one else could ever give me. You have given me a love that I had never known before .I love being with you and cannot imagine a world without you in it. Each morning, I wake up and thank God that you have been a part of my life. I just cannot find the words to tell you how happy I am that we met and got together. You have been the rock I turned to during difficulties and the guiding light that lit the way whenever I was lost. I want to tell you that my love is undying and eternal, but I can’t find a way to express it properly. I know that my love is enduring enough to last a lifetime, and I feel blessed that you are a part of my life. I wake up each day and bounce out of bed because I know that I will get to see or talk to you during the day.

I promise that I will always love you and keep you dear in my heart. I will be there for you whenever you need me and will love you no matter where life ends up taking us. You are my soul mate, and I cannot exist without you by me. I love you.

Love Letter No - 15

Hey Sweetie,
You were already on my mind when I woke up this morning. I just can't stop thinking about you. You are the most important person in my life. So, I just wanted to say I love you, and I can't wait to see you again.

Just being with you has made all my dreams come true, and I want to do everything I can to make you feel that way too. You deserve to be treasured for being the sweetest, kindest, most thoughtful boyfriend any girl could ask for, and believe me, I do treasure youYours only,

Love you always, my dearest

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