Love SMS Collection 301-350

Even GrAve yArd Look beAutiful Wen Pure Love Sleeps inside it..If u dnt think so den tAke a Look At the TAJ MAHAL
S O R R Y.. S O R R Y.. S O R R Y.. S O R R Y.. Dont get confusd,'SORRY' Means: S- SOME O- ONE R- REALY R- REMEMBR Y- YOU.
A beautiful msg::I'm dead but my soul is in u,My eyes r open but I dream of u,I'm d best but nothing without u,Take care of my beats in u.
Heart is equal to a mirror,Mirror shows reflection,and Heart shows affection.Both have one equal quality-cant be reformed once broken.
Beautiful Ur Words are not my DisturbanceBut the Disturbance lies in ur silence.Never Be Silent With Someone U Love..
Luv is magical. It's a language that deaf can hear a song, the crippled can dance & the blind can see a sunset. Wishing u a life full of LOVE.
Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs. - Shakespeare

I love the way you make me happy, and the ways you show your care. I love the way you say, 'I Love You,' and the way you're always there.
Newton's 1st Law of The force applied for proposing a girl by a boy is equal & opposite to the force applied by girl while using her sandals..
There Is One Moment Is Your Life When You Are With Someone AndYou Feel Like The World Has Stopped AndYour Life Seems So Perfect Make SureYou Never Lose That Person ..
U can hide d pain u feel & mke others blive dat u can move on but u cnt deny d truth dat d 1 who has hurt u is stil d 1 u'll chUse 2 luV.
ABC-Always Be Careful DEF-Don't Ever Forget JKLM-Just Keep Loving Me NOPQRSTUVW-No Other Person Quite Right Shall Treat U Very Well
I can't make someone love me, All i can do is be someone who can be loved,the rest is up to the person to realize my Worth'.
Wat luv?Those who dnt knw cal it responsbltyThose who playit cal game,Those who dnt hav it cal it dreamBt those who undrstand cal it life
Real pain is not felt when U R hurt by a unknown person. But wen U R hurt by the one U truly luv & trust.U cant even express the agony in Ur heart.
Moon can change its share but sun can never.truth of life can change but death can can forget me,but i cant forget u 4ever.!
Whnever u smile,I am near u to share it. Whneveru feel sad, I am inside ur heart bearing d pain.So dont b sad, ursorrows hurts me alot. B happy alwaz
Feelings r a waste when not expressedHeart is a mere extension if it doesn't beat 4 sm1 elseLife is useless if not Loved&LuV is a waste if not lived.
People say that nevr expect anything frm others.But fact is when we realy like some1 we do expect somethng frm them,A little care frm heart.
Life is a pearl When u start caring about urself,u start loving somebody, But when u start caring about other, Somebody will start loving u...
Love is like a golden chain that links our hearts together and if you ever break that chain youll break my heart 4ever!
Love is an illusion..It's a highly dependency disorder of weak hearted people...People with strong hearts belive in flirting..
AlwAyS TrY YouR BesT tO GeT WaTeVeR YoU LovE...OtHeRwIsE... YoU WiLL bE FoRceD tO LovE WaTeVeR YoU GeT..
Luv HURTS when u Breakup with sum1.Hurts more when Sum1 Breaks up with u.BUT Hurts the most when the Person u luv doesn't CARE of being Loved by U.
Nvr ask 4a kiss,jus take it. Nvr ask do u Luv me,say i Luv u. Nvr say i cant liv w/out u,say i liv 4u. NOW GO FLIRT,U've been traind by d xpert. Make me proud.
A Rose.Say I.Love.You A Smile.Say I.Like.You""A""Ring.Say""I.Marry.You"""BUT"""My.Small.S.M.S""Say""I.Cant.Forget""You"
D best part of living is not hoping that"a person wil luv u as much as u do" bt is knowing dat u luv dat person far mor dan any 1 else could.
Best ever romantic words said by a true lover to his love-I Dont know how Beautiful U R bcoz my eyes Haven't Moved from ur eyes.
Love is not winning sme1,but loosing urself to sme1..wen u r loved by sme1,it's not due to ur excellence of mind,but due 2 purity of ur heart.
Lovin wat u get is compromise.Gettin wt u luv is succes. Lovin wdout carin whthr u'll gt or nt is Tru Luv. Lovin evn aftr knwin dt u wont get, is Pure Luv
Ur Expression of the face could be seen by everyone.!But the expression of heart could be seen only by the loved one..!dont mis them in ur life.
Love is missing some1 whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart.
IF u love any one truly but still u dint Get his love never take to mind,BE happy that atleast,once in a life time u Fell in true love.
What's the difference b/w Powerfailure and Lovefailure.If Power fails, Home becomes DARK.If Love fails, Life Becomes "BRIGHT".
Book says"read me,"money says"Earn me"time says"plan me"flower says"love me"and I said just"REMEMBER ME"......
You are the sun in my day, the wind in my sky, the waves in my ocean and the beat in my heart... Thinking of you!
Dear O Dear,You are not Near,But I can Hear,Dont Get Fear,Your memories Here,Live with Cheer,No more Tear
Luv is energy:it can neither be created nor destroyed.It jus is n always wil b, givng meaning2 life n direction 2 goodness.luv wil never die
Never get Tired of Doing Little Things for others...Bcoz sometimes those little things occupy the Biggest part in their Heart.
U cAn see mAny Lips Which smiles for you,But its Difficult to get An eyes..Which cries only 4 yew..Ever u miss thAt lipsBut never Miss thAt eye
TeArs are lAnguage of Love,When teArs come with reAson meAns u got some problem Bt when teArs Come without reAson ,It means yew are in Love !!
sweetest part in life is to carry all d memories in life but toughest part is tht to stay away for long time frm d person who is behind those memories !!!
LOVE is something beautiful,a desire,a feeling that one would like to catch.LOVE is the feeling that makes U feel alive.LOVE is something that may never go away
If some1 throws stone towards u,Throw Love towards him;But if some1 throws Love towards u,Then sit 4 a while & think;Coz Love may hurt u more than stone.
When God made parts,he thought of hearts.And 4 each heart a sweetheart.And among those sweathearts he made 1 sweetest heart,& 'THAT'S YOURS'.
Measured by miles,u r far away.measured by thots,u r close 2day.Measured by eyes i dont c u around me but when measured by HEART u r Close to me..
1st time i saw u i was scared 2 touch u.1st time i touched u i was scared 2 kiss u.1st time i kiss u i was scared 2 luv u.but now dat i luv u im scared 2 lose u
Once in a life time some1 breaks ur heart & if u still feel 2 hold that person with every broken piece. That amazing pain is called true AFFECTION.
Age Does Not Protect You From Love But Love, To Some Extent, Protects You From Age. True Love Can Be Delayed But Not Denied..
u cant mke some1 Luv u, all u can do is b some1 who can b loved, d rest is up 2 D prsn 2 realise ur worth

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